"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition, it does not exist in nature." -Helen Keller

Monday, October 25, 2010


GOODNESS! It's been a while since I posted last. Well, I'm here again to let you know about an upcoming project that I'm going to start, and to ask you to join me!
It's called "National Novel Writing Month" (NaNoWriMo), and it is exactly that: A month where you write a 50,000-word novel. Yes, a novel in ONE MONTH, from November 1st through the 30th. Don't think you can do it? Well, neither do I, but you get brownie points for trying! Honestly though, it's a doable goal, believe it or not. Well, that's what the website says. I suggest you check it out and join me in conquering something we all should experience in our lifetimes!
The website (url included at the end of this post) says that the novel you write will be 175 pages (or thereabouts) of kind-of-awful-quality-writing, but what else do you expect what with writing 1600+ words everyday? You need to rush in order to get the novel finished (and get a sweet certificate and your name on the winner's page), so don't expect it to be anywhere close to perfect, just go with it and celebrate on November 30th!


On another note, I currently have a song stuck in my head that I've been singing for the past few days and I think I should let you know about it... it's called "The Saga Begins" by Weird Al. It makes me laugh and I love it so much...you should check it out if you haven't already. ^^

Peace Love and Tacos,


  1. You are such a free spirit! I get a kick out of your blogs! Have a great November.

  2. Story! I'm doing that as well! My cousin, Tristan, told me about it :)

  3. Thank you mom :P.
    And Caili you're doing it too!?! YAY! We can cheer each other on, haha :) What are you writing about?

  4. Yay :D ^^
    Uuuhm...I have an idea...but I'm mostly gonna be winging it...What about you?

  5. I've written an outline for my story, but most of it will involve winging as well :) Haha. What's your username on the website? We can buddy each other!
