What does it mean to be a writer?
I grab my book and pencils and clutch them to my chest. I turn around and march resolutely upstairs, a determined look on my face. I’m going to face it. Confront it. Writing. It’s a difficult process, getting things to come out the way they are in my mind. It all seems to clear up there, but when I finally take time to put pencil to paper or fingers to keys, I hit a bump in the road. Where do I start? I have a great idea for the climax, the last paragraph or even a character nickname! But do I start with those things, or do I begin at the beginning? My head is spinning. “Once upon a time…” No, far overused. But I like it. So why shouldn’t I use it? Writing should be something that I choose for myself, and I shouldn’t be pressured pr intimidated by others. Sometimes I feel that way. I’m sure all writers do at times. Like for instance, I’m not too good at using fancy words to describe beautiful places in my head. I prefer the personal sound and emotions of writing in 1st person. I would love to be able to make up a beautiful tale on the spot, but it doesn’t work that way for me. Right now, being a writer for me at least means practicing. But not giving up. So what if my thoughts seem a little jumbled at times and I can’t find the right words to describe something. I just need to be free with what I do. It will come. Imagination. I have plenty of it, let me tell you. I’m never bored--ever! Wherever I am, my mind is there also. And with my mind comes my fantasy world. I would love to write down everything in there and turn it into an epic tale of twists and turns, deep characters and intricate twisting plots, but I’m not there yet, it’s still all just bits and pieces right now. I believe I have potential--we all do. Everyone does. But I need to release mine. I need to release all inhibitions. That’s what it means to be a writer: being free. Free to just scribble random words down. Draw sketches of characters even though the only thing I have in my mind is their looks. Don’t worry about it. It’ll come. Drift off, daydream, muse. I think about the world around me. How could I make it different? Should I just abandon this world and make a new one? I close my notebook and pick up my pencils. Holding them close once again, I step lightly down the stairs, a triumphant smile on my face. Sure I didn’t write a novel, but I started with one of my dreams and worked off it. I made progress. Hey, maybe I’ll get the hang of it someday. Because that’s what it means to be a writer: dreaming of the impossible and letting go.
You have a lot to say - keep dreaming. I am looking forward to your future posts!